Monday, September 8, 2008


Koolhaas Hat
Hi. Still here. Been busy.

Well, not that busy. Getting settled into my new job, home, classes (do I remember how to study, or even learn?), and city has been going well, but its exhausting and the blog has suffered. And then the Olympics and all of the political conventions on top of everything. But with all of that TV time, there has been knitting!

Koolhaas HatKoolhaas Hat
Another Koolhaas Hat, I felted my first one. I'm still upset, I don't want to talk about it.
Koolhaas Hat by Jared Flood (have you seen his new hat?)
Dream in Color Classy - Beach Fog (leftover from my Hourglass sweater)
US 8 needles

I've also knit a cowl (my first!) and am getting closer to being done with my Chevron scarf (it is taking FOREVER to knit this!), and started some socks. I'll post again soon with those, promise!

1 comment:

Judi said...

Phew! I was worried you were so busy you didn't have time for knitting! I feel better now!!! More professional looking things!

Miss you!