Thursday, August 23, 2007


Rowan 42
Rowan 42
I know I say this whenever I get a magazine, but really, this one stands out. There is SOOOO much I want to knit (including absolutely non-delusional, doable projects). I just want to cast on!

But then....
Sock Yarn
Jaywalkers, Sock Club #3s, and Roza's Socks ... and I have 2 sweaters, a third that is swatched for and ....

....oh, darn! Reality:
Knitting roadblock
A major test looming that I really should start studying for, the knitting urges are going to have to suffer a little.

I guess I have something to daydream about now while I am trying to study.

I do have a few projects that I've made progress on while watching my new favorite show, the Shield (note to self again - need to start studying), on Netflix ... I'll post pics soon.


Melinda said...

Oooo, I've heard good things about that Rowan -- I'll have to check it out. Good luck on the test!

Judi said...

Now why aren't you studying? Okay, sometimes knitting has to come first! Besides, you have to relax before you can study :) Love the colorful yarn! Enjoy and hope to see you and your projects soon!

love ya

Cindy said...

This Rowan is great - I would definitely check it out - one of the best things about it is that they have a text section where (the article is about color) so you can see "real" examples of the patterns (sometimes those models are a bit much) and its all beautiful!

Sway Knits said...

I LOVE this issue! I felt up the Rowan Cocoon the other day at an LYS and it's really nice but very similar to Lamb's Pride Bulky...which means there are all these wonderful patterns to make with a fairly affordable yarn! Also, it's really not in my budget but I've decided i MUST have the KSH for the Earth Wrap. I will eat mac and cheese for two weeks for that scarf, man. I agree about the color section...I would never have thought of Bridges or Geneva before I saw it on real people.